Telephone Systems








What is Hosted Voice?



Hosted Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a cloud based telephone system which sends voice calls over the internet instead of phone lines. It allows businesses to easily communicate and collaborate, it’s easy to set up and there’s little to no maintenance required.


It works in a similar way as a standard telephone system, but with much more flexibility. You can make and receive office calls from your desk phone as before, but also from your office computer, and from anywhere on your mobile or laptop.


Because it works anywhere with a connection to the internet, we can come to your office to demonstrate the system, and all its advantages.



Reduced Costs

You can save money by adopting IP Voice instead of traditional phone lines


Software Assurance

Benefit from constant access to the latest automatic software updates for your phone system


Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery options should an outage occur, mean it’s easy to reroute calls to mobiles or alternative telephone lines


Quick Setup for Users

Users can be set up in minutes,  and changes made quickly and simply. Plus, it’s easy to scale and add new users with no disruption



e :     t : 01708 935600