Hosted Email



Our Hosted Backup uses high-end storage equipment, located in physically secured datacentres.



Your most important business asset is data.



After all, without customer information, order details or product data, you will not be able to perform business activities.


Imagine partially or even completely losing your business data...


Our Hosted Backup gives you the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that your data is safely stored at all times.



Suitable for any operating system


Backup data from servers, Windows desktops & laptops, Mac's and Linux devices



Military grade encryption


All data is encrypted using 256-AES encryption before being backed up



Peace of mind


Cloud backup is 'fire and forget' software; once configured, it works fully automatically



Automatic reports


Reports emailed to you, make sure you are always up to date about your backup status



High availability


Your data is always and directly available. You can start restoring your data anytime



Low cost of ownership


Cloud backup needs to be configured once; thereafter all backups are automatic



Rolling monthly contract.


From just £6.25+vat

per month.



e :     t : 01708 935600