Pay as You Go I.T Support



For businesses looking for someone to contact for ad-hoc I.T support



Not looking for a support contract?



If you're looking for someone to help with I.T issues that may arise from time to time, but don't want an I.T support contract, we are happy just to be on the end of the phone or an email, should you require our help.


We can offer remote or on-site support without any requirement from you to pre-purchase support time, and can advise and quote on any one-off I.T requirements you may have.



Only pay on completion of each I.T support instance - no up front payments



Remote or on-site support available



Minimum of only 1 hour on-site support or half hour remote support



Agreed limits on hours charged



Out of hours support available



Contact us to see how quickly and easily we can provide I.T Support...



e :     t : 01708 935600